be a good catholic

Catholicism, with its rich history and diverse community, encompasses a wide range of believers who identify themselves as Catholic. However, within this broad spectrum, there are individuals who may vary in their level of commitment and practice. From “Catholics just in name” to “Hybrid Catholics” and “Catholics my way,” these different expressions of Catholicism raise questions about the essence of faith and the expectations of being a Catholic. In this article, we delve into these various perspectives, examining the importance of active participation, adherence to Church teachings, public witness, proper use of images, and the role of knowledge in the Catholic faith. By exploring these aspects, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances within the Catholic community and to shed light on the significance of living out one’s faith authentically.

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Catholic just in name

This term refers to individuals who identify themselves as Catholic but may not actively practice or adhere to the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Being a Catholic involves more than merely claiming the title or being part of a cultural or social group. It entails a commitment to faith, worship, and living in accordance with the teachings of the Church.

The Magisterium and Catholic tradition emphasize the importance of a genuine and living faith. This includes:

  1. Active Participation: As Catholics, we are expected to actively engage in the life of the Church, which includes attending Mass regularly, receiving the sacraments, and participating in the community of believers. Merely identifying as Catholic without active involvement can be seen as a shallow commitment.
  2. Adherence to Church Teachings: As Catholics, we are called to embrace and adhere to the teachings and doctrines of the Church. This encompasses not only the core beliefs but also the moral and ethical teachings of the Church, which are derived from Scripture, tradition, and the authority of the Magisterium. A Catholic just in name may selectively ignore or reject these teachings.
  3. Personal Relationship with God: Catholicism places a strong emphasis on developing a personal relationship with God through prayer, Scripture reading, and spiritual growth. A Catholic just in name may lack a genuine desire to cultivate this relationship or may neglect personal spiritual practices.
  4. Service and Charity: Catholicism encourages its followers to live out their faith by serving others and promoting social justice. A Catholic just in name may show little concern for the needs of others, lack involvement in charitable activities, or fail to practice the virtue of charity.
  5. Reconciliation and Conversion: The Catholic Church teaches the importance of recognizing and repenting from sin, seeking forgiveness, and striving for personal conversion. A Catholic just in name may exhibit a lack of humility and an unwillingness to acknowledge personal faults or make efforts to grow in holiness.

It’s essential to note that the Catholic Church welcomes all individuals, including those who are struggling or questioning their faith. The term “Catholic just in name” is not meant to be judgmental but rather highlights the importance of genuine faith and active participation in the life of the Church.

“Social” Catholics

According to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and Catholic traditions, being a Catholic solely for social purposes, without a genuine commitment to faith, devotion, and adherence to the doctrines of the Church, is considered inconsistent with the Catholic faith.

The Catholic Church recognizes that faith is not merely a social or cultural affiliation, but a personal relationship with God. It involves a sincere belief in the teachings of the Church and a desire to live according to those teachings. Some key points to consider:

  1. Sacraments as Symbols of Faith: The sacraments, such as marriage and baptism, hold deep significance in the Catholic faith. They are not simply social events or rituals for the sake of tradition, but rather sacred actions that signify a person’s faith and commitment to God and the Church. Marrying solely for the purpose of having photos or baptizing a child without a genuine intention to raise the child within the Catholic faith can be seen as a distortion of the sacraments’ true meaning.
  2. Responsibility to Educate Children: Catholic parents have a duty to pass on the faith to their children and raise them in accordance with Catholic teachings. This includes not only providing religious education but also cultivating a life of faith within the family. Choosing to baptize a child without the sincere intention of fostering their Catholic upbringing can be considered a neglect of parental responsibilities.
  3. Importance of Doctrine and Belief: The Catholic Church upholds a body of doctrine and beliefs that Catholics are expected to embrace and live by. These doctrines encompass core theological teachings, moral principles, and liturgical practices. Merely socializing within Catholic circles while disregarding or neglecting the doctrines of the Church goes against the commitment to a faith that encompasses belief, understanding, and personal transformation.
  4. Active Participation in the Faith Community: Being Catholic involves active participation in the life of the Church, which includes attending Mass, receiving the sacraments, engaging in prayer and worship, and contributing to the spiritual and social life of the community. A superficial involvement focused solely on socializing, without a genuine engagement in the spiritual aspects of the faith community, may be seen as an incomplete expression of Catholicism.

The Catholic Church recognizes the complexity of human experience and the journey of faith. However, it emphasizes the importance of sincerity, commitment, and active participation in living out the Catholic faith.

Catholic at home, non religious in public

According to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and Catholic traditions, being a Catholic involves more than just a private expression of faith. It also requires a public witness to one’s beliefs and values, including engagement in public issues and voting in a manner consistent with Catholic morals.

Catholic teaching emphasizes the unity of faith and action, and the responsibility to uphold moral values in public life. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Integrity and Consistency: As Catholics, we are called to integrate our faith into all aspects of our lives, including our public actions and decisions. This means that one’s private faith should inform and guide our public choices. It is important to avoid a division or compartmentalization of faith that leads to a disconnect between personal beliefs and public behavior.
  2. Promoting the Common Good: The Catholic Church teaches that we Catholics have a duty to work for the common good and to contribute to the well-being of society. This includes active engagement in public issues and voting for candidates and laws that promote justice, human dignity, and the values of the Gospel.
  3. Giving Public Testimony: As Catholics, we are encouraged to give public testimony of our faith and moral convictions. This can be done through active participation in public debates, advocating for policies aligned with Catholic teachings, and being a voice for the vulnerable and marginalized.
  4. Biblical Support: The Bible provides guidance on the public expression of faith. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus exhorts his followers to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” This implies a public role in influencing society and promoting righteousness. Similarly, in Mark 12:17, Jesus instructs to “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” suggesting a responsibility to engage in civic matters while remaining faithful to God’s commandments.

The Magisterium of the Catholic Church, through its teachings and social encyclicals, has consistently emphasized the importance of Catholics being actively involved in public life and advocating for moral principles in the public sphere.

While the Church acknowledges the complexity of political and social issues, it calls upon Catholics to form their conscience according to the truths of the faith and to seek guidance from the Church’s moral teachings. This includes voting for candidates and supporting laws that align with Catholic moral principles and promote the common good.

Idolatrous Catholics

Misunderstanding the use of images and falling into idolatry is considered a wrong behavior within Catholicism. The Magisterium and Catholic traditions emphasize the proper use and understanding of images as aids to worship, not objects of worship themselves. As Catholics, it is crucial for us to exemplify proper veneration so that we are not perceived by Protestants as idolatrous Catholics, as this is their primary objection when considering conversion to our faith.

  1. Proper Use of Images: The Catholic Church teaches that the use of religious images, such as statues and icons, can aid in prayer and contemplation by reminding believers of the presence of God, the saints, and the mysteries of faith. However, it is essential to understand that these images are not idols to be worshipped, but rather visual aids that direct our hearts and minds towards the divine.
  2. Idolatry and Worship: Idolatry, as understood in Catholic teachings, is the worship of something or someone other than the one true God. It is a violation of the First Commandment. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states in paragraph 2112, “Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God.”
  3. Church Fathers on Idolatry: The writings of the Church Fathers provide insights into the early Christian understanding of idolatry. For example, St. Augustine, in his “City of God,” addressed the danger of idol worship, stating, “Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that ought to be worshiped” (Book 1, Chapter 1). This highlights the importance of recognizing the proper hierarchy of reverence and worship.
  4. Catholic Tradition: The Second Council of Nicaea (787 AD) addressed the use of religious images in its decrees. It affirmed the veneration of images as long as the worship was directed towards the person or mystery represented, not the physical object itself. The Council stated, “For the honor rendered to the image passes to its prototype” (Decree 7). This affirms that the reverence given to an image is ultimately directed to the divine reality it represents.

In summary, the Catholic Church acknowledges the dangers of misunderstanding the use of images and falling into idolatry. Catholic traditions, as guided by the Magisterium, emphasize that images are meant to aid in devotion and contemplation, not to be objects of worship. The writings of the Church Fathers and the decrees of the Councils reinforce this understanding, highlighting the importance of directing reverence to God alone.

Hybrid Catholics

Syncretism, which refers to the blending or mixing of different religious or spiritual beliefs, goes against Catholic dogma and teachings. The Catholic Church affirms the uniqueness and completeness of the Christian faith, rooted in the person of Jesus Christ and the deposit of faith entrusted to the Church.

  1. The Uniqueness of Christ: The Catholic Church firmly teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, and the definitive and complete revelation of God to humanity. The Catechism states in paragraph 846, “Outside the Church, there is no salvation,” emphasizing the uniqueness and centrality of Christ for salvation.
  2. The Early Church Fathers: The Church Fathers, early Christian theologians and leaders, consistently emphasized the exclusivity of the Christian faith. For instance, Tertullian, an early Christian writer, stated, “The true God is He who is acknowledged by the Christians” (Apologeticus, 17). They warned against syncretistic tendencies and the danger of compromising the purity and integrity of Christian doctrine.
  3. Worship of the One True God: Catholic dogma upholds the worship of the one true God revealed in the Holy Trinity. Syncretism, by blending incompatible beliefs and practices, risks diluting or distorting the understanding of God’s nature and the truths of the Christian faith. The Catechism reminds us in paragraph 2113, “Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship but also to idolatry of money, power, and the devil.
  4. The Magisterium’s Warnings: The Magisterium of the Catholic Church has consistently cautioned against syncretistic tendencies. For instance, Pope Benedict XVI, in his encyclical “Deus Caritas Est,” warned about the danger of diluting the Christian faith with other religious or spiritual beliefs. He stressed the importance of remaining faithful to the fullness of the Gospel.
  5. Guarding Catholic Dogma: Catholic dogma represents the revealed truths of the faith and is safeguarded by the Magisterium. Syncretism, by its nature, introduces foreign elements that can distort or compromise these dogmas. The Catholic Church recognizes the value of dialogue and respect for other religions but remains committed to preserving the integrity and purity of Catholic doctrine.

Here are a few examples of syncretism that have occurred historically or are observed in some contexts:

  • Folk Catholicism: In certain regions or cultures, there can be a blending of traditional animistic or indigenous beliefs with Catholicism. This syncretic practice may involve incorporating local deities, rituals, or symbols into Catholic worship, resulting in a fusion of elements from different belief systems.
  • Santeria: Santeria is a syncretic religion that developed in Cuba, combining elements of Yoruba spirituality and Catholicism. It incorporates African deities, known as Orishas, into Catholic practices and rituals, often equating them with Catholic saints.
  • Voodoo: Voodoo, primarily practiced in Haiti and some parts of Africa, is another syncretic religion. It combines elements of traditional African religions, Catholicism, and indigenous beliefs. Catholic saints are often associated with different spirits or deities in Voodoo practices.
  • New Age Spirituality: New Age spirituality is a contemporary movement that often draws from various religious traditions, including Eastern religions, Native American spirituality, esoteric beliefs, and even elements of Christianity. It seeks to create a synthesis of these diverse spiritual practices and beliefs.
  • Religious Syncretism in Asia: In some Asian countries, such as China and Japan, syncretism can be observed between traditional local religions, Buddhism, and elements of Confucianism, Taoism, or Shintoism. This syncretic approach results in unique local practices and rituals.

In summary, syncretism goes against Catholic dogma because it compromises the uniqueness of Christ, the worship of the one true God, and the integrity of Catholic teachings. The Catechism, the writings of the early Church Fathers, and the Magisterium consistently uphold the exclusive nature of the Christian faith while promoting dialogue and respect for other beliefs.

Uneducated Catholics

As catholics, we need to know our faith for several reasons, supported by the writings of the Church Fathers and biblical passages. Understanding the teachings and doctrines of Catholicism helps foster a deeper relationship with God, equips believers to share their faith with others, and provides a firm foundation to withstand challenges and doubts. Apologetics, as a discipline, plays a role in defending the Catholic faith. Here’s an explanation supported by quotes and verses:

  1. Deepening Relationship with God: The Church Fathers emphasized the importance of knowing the faith as a means to grow in union with God. St. Augustine wrote, “For the soul to be nourished, it is necessary to know the truths of faith” (Sermon 52). By knowing the teachings of the Catholic Church, we Catholics can develop a stronger understanding of God’s plan for salvation and our role within it.
  2. Sharing the Faith: The early Church Fathers recognized the significance of proclaiming and defending the Christian faith. St. Peter encouraged believers to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). Apologetics, in this sense, involves explaining and defending the truths of the Catholic faith to others, offering reasoned explanations and responding to objections.
  3. Defending Against False Teachings: The Church Fathers also warned against false teachings and the distortion of Christian doctrine. St. Irenaeus wrote, “Error, indeed, is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected” (Against Heresies). By knowing and understanding the teachings of the Catholic Church, we Catholics are equipped to discern and refute erroneous beliefs, safeguarding the integrity of our faith.
  4. Strengthening Faith and Resolving Doubts: Knowing their faith helps Catholics to withstand challenges, doubts, and criticisms. St. Cyril of Jerusalem wrote, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all” (Catechetical Lectures). Understanding the reasons behind Catholic beliefs and practices strengthens one’s conviction, providing a foundation to overcome doubts and navigate intellectual and spiritual obstacles.

Apologetics, in the context of defending the Catholic faith, involves providing reasoned arguments, evidence, and explanations for Catholic beliefs and practices. It helps address misunderstandings, clarify misconceptions, and engage in fruitful dialogue with those who have different perspectives. By employing apologetics, we Catholics can articulate and defend the richness and coherence of Catholic teachings, upholding the truth of the faith in a charitable and persuasive manner.

Indifferent Catholics

Revelation 3:16 states, “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” This verse is a call for us as Catholics to avoid being spiritually lukewarm and instead embrace a vibrant, committed faith. Understanding this verse in light of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, the writings of the Church Fathers, and relevant biblical passages, we can draw the following insights:

  1. Avoiding Lukewarmness: The Magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches that we Catholics should have an active and fervent faith. Lukewarmness refers to a tepid or indifferent approach to one’s faith, lacking passion or commitment. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) emphasizes the need for a wholehearted response to God’s call and the invitation to participate fully in the life of the Church (CCC 2088).
  2. Church Fathers’ Insights: The Church Fathers warned against spiritual lukewarmness and encouraged a vibrant and zealous faith. St. Augustine wrote, “Do not be satisfied with being in the Church, let Christ also be in you” (Sermon 340). The early Christians understood the importance of wholehearted devotion and active engagement in the life of faith.
  3. Being the “Salt of the Earth”: Jesus calls His followers to be the “salt of the earth” in Matthew 5:13. This metaphor implies that we Catholics should have a positive influence on the world around them, preserving and flavoring it with the values and teachings of the Gospel. This requires active participation, a willingness to stand for truth, and a commitment to live out the faith in all aspects of life.
  4. In the World but Not of the World: John 17:14-16 speaks to the tension of being in the world but not being part of its sinful patterns. As Catholics, we are called to engage with the world, bringing the light of Christ, while remaining faithful to the teachings and values of the Gospel. This implies a balance between immersion in society and a commitment to live by God’s standards.

In summary, as Catholics we need to avoid spiritual lukewarmness and instead embrace an active and committed faith. The Magisterium emphasizes the need for wholehearted devotion, while the Church Fathers and relevant biblical passages call for being the “salt of the earth” and living in the world but not being of the world. As Catholics, we are called to actively engage in the life of faith, embodying the Gospel values in their words and actions, and making a positive impact on the world around them.

Catholic “my way”

The notion of being a Catholic “my way,” where one selectively chooses what to believe and follow in Catholicism based on personal preferences or comfort, is not in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church, as supported by biblical verses and the writings of the Church Fathers.

  1. Rejecting Church Doctrine: This may involve consciously and persistently denying or rejecting core teachings of the Catholic Church. This could include refusing to accept fundamental doctrines like the Holy Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, or the authority of the Pope.
  2. Disobeying Moral Teachings: The Catholic Church places great importance on moral teachings derived from the Bible and tradition. A person who intentionally disregards or acts against these moral principles, such as by engaging in theft, adultery, abortion, or euthanasia, can’t be called Catholic.
  3. Neglecting the Sacraments: The sacraments are sacred rituals within Catholicism that provide spiritual nourishment and grace. Failing to regularly participate in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and Reconciliation (Confession), can be seen as a departure from Catholic practice.
  4. Ignoring Social Justice: Catholic social teachings emphasize the importance of promoting justice, peace, and compassion for the poor and marginalized. A bad Catholic might ignore or neglect these teachings, failing to actively engage in charitable works or disregarding the call to address social injustices.
  5. Submission to the Truth: The Catholic Church upholds the belief in the objective truth revealed by God. St. Irenaeus, an early Church Father, wrote, “The Church, though dispersed throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: …[She] guards it with care, as dwelling in but a single house” (Against Heresies). This emphasizes the importance of accepting and adhering to the teachings of the Church.
  6. Obedience and Humility: The Catholic faith calls for obedience and humility before the authority of the Church. Hebrews 13:17 states, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.” The Church Fathers also stressed the importance of obedience to the teachings handed down by the apostles.
  7. Seeking Understanding: While there may be aspects of the faith that are challenging or difficult to understand, it is essential to approach them with a spirit of humility, seeking deeper understanding and trusting in the wisdom of the Church. St. Augustine expressed, “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe” (Sermon 43).

In summary, being a “Catholic my way,” selectively choosing and rejecting aspects of Catholicism based on personal preferences or discomfort, contradicts the call for wholehearted commitment, submission to the truth, obedience to the Church, and seeking understanding. The Catholic faith encourages believers to embrace the entirety of the teachings, trusting in the guidance of the Church and humbly seeking to deepen their understanding of the faith.


It is important to note that the Catholic Church promotes reconciliation and forgiveness, and believes in the capacity for personal growth and change. This list is not meant to condemn individuals but to highlight behaviors that may be seen as contrary to Catholic teachings.

By Soldier of Truth Publishing

Spreading God's Word through powerful devotional journals, notebooks, and more. Only Truth will set us free.

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